Weight Report

Starting with this report, next to my current levels I will write my progress/ setback from my 12/29/20 in parenthesis.

Weight: 177.0 (-10.6#)

BMI: 30 (-1.7)

Body Fat Percentage: 46.5% (-.3%)

Body Muscle Percentage: 22.7 (+.4%)

Real Age: 60 (got 3 years younger)

Visceral Fat: 9 (-1)

I can assume my body fat/muscle percentages aren’t so great with my diet being less than stellar during the pandemic. While my weight loss journey hasn’t been as great as I’d like, I am lighter. I have a long way to reach my goals but they are achievable and I’m slowly traveling on the right path.

I have also won a Diet Bet game to lose 4% of my weight in the last 4 weeks (7.4#). I have to wait another day or so to find out how much I’ve won.

Stay strong everyone! Kept social distance and wash your hands! Keep calm and let hope and faith* get you through this time.

* When I say faith, I mean whatever you consider your rock: God, Buddha, Mother Nature, etc. For me, it’s God and he always is my rock.

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