Strength Training, Cycling and Lots of Sweat

Even though this is Tuesday, I followed my plan b workout for two sets of ten repetitions each of:

Chest Flat DB Flyes: 10#

Shoulder BB Military Press: 10#

Back DB One-Arm Row: 10#

Tricep BB Extensions: 10#

Bicep DB Concentration Curls: 12#

Overhead Squat: 10#

Bridge: NA

Seated Calf Raises: 15# each

AB Coaster: Various Crunches

Plank: 52 seconds

Side Bends: 12#

Wall Sit: 25 seconds

Plus 45 minutes on the stationary bike: 12 mi

Monday’s Run Kinda

I was to have ran three miles this morning. In order to be cautious of my right foot, I reshaped my workout. I strapped on my weighted vest and got on my treadmill. Using various resistances and elevations, I tackled 5 miles in approximately 36 minutes. It felt great!

Weight Report

Starting with this report, next to my current levels I will write my progress/ setback from my 12/29/20 in parenthesis.

Weight: 177.0 (-10.6#)

BMI: 30 (-1.7)

Body Fat Percentage: 46.5% (-.3%)

Body Muscle Percentage: 22.7 (+.4%)

Real Age: 60 (got 3 years younger)

Visceral Fat: 9 (-1)

I can assume my body fat/muscle percentages aren’t so great with my diet being less than stellar during the pandemic. While my weight loss journey hasn’t been as great as I’d like, I am lighter. I have a long way to reach my goals but they are achievable and I’m slowly traveling on the right path.

I have also won a Diet Bet game to lose 4% of my weight in the last 4 weeks (7.4#). I have to wait another day or so to find out how much I’ve won.

Stay strong everyone! Kept social distance and wash your hands! Keep calm and let hope and faith* get you through this time.

* When I say faith, I mean whatever you consider your rock: God, Buddha, Mother Nature, etc. For me, it’s God and he always is my rock.

Saturday Run

This morning was supposed to be an easy four mile run. I took yesterday off as I was fighting a cold. I had to do some walking and I did some running. I felt some twinges with my right ankle. I am hoping if it is plantar fasciitis, that I can nip things in the bud with some exercises and not running for three weeks.

Bottom line: 4 miles 54:59 pace 13:45

Thursday Workout Part One

With my muscles being a little sore today, I decided to split up my workout a little.

I am biking and rowing now.

30 minutes riding: 9.01mi

15 minutes rowing: 2531 m/ 1.573 mi

I’m temporarily moving strength training b and Zumba to this Sunday.

I’m starting to feel cabin fever but working out helps. I am so blessed for my Pain Cave, as well as, the great outdoors when the weather is tolerable.

For those of you missing your gym, my heart goes out to you. Don’t forget that there is a plethora of HIIT workouts, body weight exercises, outdoor enjoyment and more. Hmmm outdoor enjoyment, maybe it’s time to checkout the state of my bike.

Wednesday Run Outside

Guess who ran her first outside run of the year? ME!

I charged my old Garmin up and let myself loose in the neighborhood. Sometimes I ran too fast (under 10 minute mile) and twice I had to walk a little. Overall I did pretty well with a run pace of 11:17 (46:27). Total trip 4.25 mi; 56:59

Good weather providing, I will always take an outdoor run over one on a treadmill.

Tuesday: Four Times a Charm

Today is a fresh start and I’m ready!

Warm Up: Elliptical for 5 minutes, .68 miles

Strength Workout A (2 sets/10 reps):

Chest Incline DB Press: 12#

Shoulder DB Press: 10#

Back Inclined DB Row: 12#

Tricep DB Kickbacks: 8#

Bicep Inclined DB Curl: 10#

Quads Goblet Squat: 10#

Hamstring DB Dead lifts: 12#

Glutes Clam Shells

AB Coaster: 100 with variations

Plank: 42 seconds

Side Bends: 12#

Wall Sit: 34 seconds

Rowing: 15 minutes, 2597 meters/ 1.6.14 miles

Cool Down: stationary bike 30 minutes, 8.67 mi

While I feel completely spent, I feel freaking amazing! I’m going to try to use this quarantine to kickstart my health.

Late Monday Run, Another Lesson Reminder

So while I haven’t been running all of my life, I have been (off and on) for the last 21 years. I have had learned several lessons of what works and what doesn’t work that allows me to run smoothly. For example, wear light breathable and wicking clothing.

Today I was reminded of two important things;

  1. I need to run first thing in the morning. I just tire too easily otherwise.
  2. I can’t eat like crap the day before and expect to run well the next day. (Please refrain from too much eye rolling with that statement.) Tomorrow I will recommit myself using My Fitness Pal.

Back to today’s workout, I ran 1.05 miles before my stomach started churning. Since then, I’ve been walking while I type this and currently at 2.10 of the three miles. (Who says I can’t multitask?)

…. Several minutes later: 3.0 miles 51:30

Weight Report and New Plan

As of today:

Weight: 180.8#

BMI: 30.6

Body Fat Percentage: 44.8%

Body Muscle Percentage: 24%

Real Age: 60

Visceral Fat 9

Below is my workout game plan through the half marathon.

Update: Anyone care to know my total mileage after 2.5 months? Only 31 miles. Pathetic doesn’t begin to convey my feelings.

That said today is a start of a new plan, a new week and a new chapter of my life. I can do this!

Sunday’s Alternative

Before I begin my new training plan tomorrow, I wanted to get an upper body workout in today. I settled for a small rowing workout on my rowing machine.

20 minutes: 3589 meters: 2.23 miles

With necessity of self lockdown with the Coronavirus, I am blessed to have my own gym in basement (aka Pain Cave). If it warms up in the next two weeks, I am hoping to do some of my runs outside.

Stay safe everyone!